понедельник, 21 октября 2013 г.

Italy will remain the chart-topper, while Costa Rica moves up in pop­u­lar­ity to join Eng­land.  Ne

One of our favorite parts about year's end is look­ing back on the top travel trends of one year and fore­cast­ing what we'll see in the months to come. We're fas­ci­nated by agen­cies that spend their time pre­dict­ing the trends and fore­cast­ing what we as trav­el­ers will experience.
One of our favorite such reports comes from global lux­ury travel net­work Vir­tu­oso, whose annual Luxe Report has long been one of our favorites.    Based on input received from a sur­vey of the world's best travel advi­sors, the report pro­vides insight on where, when and how trav­el­ers will go next – whether on land or afloat – be it cou­ples, fam­i­lies and adventure-seekers, alike.
The recur­ring trend for the upcom­ing year is multi­gen­er­a­tional fam­ily travel. Ocean cruis­ing airline tickets online is pre­dicted to have renewed strength in 2013, with the Baltic Region airline tickets online mak­ing airline tickets online a new appear­ance on the list aside peren­nial favorites like Alaska, the Mediter­ranean and the Caribbean, but river cruis­ing is also quite pop­u­lar, par­tic­u­larly in Europe.
Italy con­tin­ues its reign as the top des­ti­na­tion airline tickets online for inter­na­tional travel in 2013, fol­lowed by South Africa, France and Aus­tralia. This year Latin Amer­ica emerges airline tickets online with Argentina mak­ing a first-time appear­ance on the list.
Italy will remain the chart-topper, while Costa Rica moves up in pop­u­lar­ity to join Eng­land. airline tickets online New to the list this year is Mex­ico, while France, the Gala­pa­gos Islands and Turks Caicos all tie for fifth place.
The 2013 Luxe Report also pre­dicts there will be a rise in longer trips (eight days and longer) to inter­na­tional des­ti­na­tions and sug­gests that when nec­es­sary, trav­el­ers are will­ing to book lower room cat­e­gories in order to stay in nicer hotels. Travel advi­sors still con­tinue to be the lead influ­encer in deter­min­ing their clients' travel deci­sions, airline tickets online fol­lowed closely by input from friends and fam­ily, airline tickets online which shows that crowd-sourcing will con­tinue to fac­tor into the travel plan­ning process.  Mean­while, Busi­ness Class is still the pre­ferred way to fly, with Econ­omy Plus gain­ing pop­u­lar­ity as more air­lines intro­duce airline tickets online and expand this on-board product.

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