понедельник, 21 октября 2013 г.

Under an agreement MURA will consider today, Lithia would pay $117,500 for the former Greyhound bus

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Under an agreement MURA will consider today, Lithia would pay $117,500 atlanta area fine resturants and hotels for the former Greyhound bus barn at Fourth and Apple streets. In 2007, MURA purchased the property, which totals 0.18 of an acre, for $227,500.
atlanta area fine resturants and hotels Gordon said projects change over time despite the best efforts to plan ahead. He pointed out that MURA also incurred costs of demolition that would increase the overall price of the property. He said he wasn't immediately atlanta area fine resturants and hotels able to provide the cost of the demolition.
As part of the deal, DHD wants to sell off a 3.29-acre chunk of the almost 8-acre Red Lion property. The city, which will effectively be paying about half the listed price of entire property, will receive less than half the land and less than half the value.
On Feb. 7, 2012, MURA purchased three lots from Lithia Real Estate for almost $1 million, which works out to about $50 a square foot for the 0.45 of an acre that will become part of the second park in The Commons.
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