среда, 27 февраля 2013 г.

La Jolla also voted to cut govt pensions Tuesday, so there are a few intelligent people there. This

HuffPost High School welcomes a lively, thoughtful debate in the comment section. Keep in mind that the articles here are penned by young authors, so please keep criticism respectful, and help us to keep this a safe and supportive place for writers of all ages to contribute.
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Honest car rentals california to gosh, why buy such a small house and proceed to horrify the neighbours and block their cherished view with non-stop construction of a behemoth that doesn't fit in when Myth Romney is more than able to buy something over-the-top that Randolph Hearst built with 30 bedrooms bla bla bla.
I want to see stories about Democrats John Kerry, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Jay Rockefeller, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, etc., etc. Of the 10 wealthiest members of the US Congress, 7 are Democrats.
Former Speaker of the House and Democrat, Nancy Pelosi, is worth 196 million dollars, own several million dollar homes and a vine yard. New York Mayor and Democrat, Michael Bloomberg, is worth 22 BILLION dollars, and owns a home in New York, London Vail and Bermuda.Senator and Democrat John Kerry is worth 281 million and his wife is a billionaire. They own several homes. Al Gore has become a billionaire by pushing his environmental wares, and he owns a huge mansion in Tennessee and another huge mansion in Northern California. Congress woman and Democrat Jane Harmon is worth 493 million dollars, and the Clintons are woth at least 50 million dollars.
The facts are dismissed as propaganda to this and other such leftist indoctrination outlets. The populace has suffered greatly under the reign of this tyrant. Obama no longer fools the working class. Consider the fact that insurance stocks have gone up since healthcare ratification. Wal-mart stock has gone up almost 75% since Obama took control. These are just two examples and sadly only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the disparity between the aristocracy and the proliteriate-working class. The truely wealthy have unjustifiably increased in net worth over the past 4 years. Bush rode up the debt 3.5 trillion over 8 years and Obama has one-upped him by increasing the debt by 4.5 trillion in just over 3 years. This is not sustainable.
La Jolla also voted to cut govt pensions Tuesday, so there are a few intelligent people there. This is another non-story.. look at the source; right up there with that typo they found on the website car rentals california in importance.
One neighbor says she is glad there are people "with a little money and taste" who will be living there. I hardly think anyone without money would qualify even today for a $12 million mansion. The "taste" remains to be seen. Money cannot buy "taste"; nor can it buy character, integrity, honesty. Money may be able to buy real estate and elections, but not a good neighbor, car rentals california or anything else that are personal traits of value. In fact, it can be argued that lots of money is destructive to "taste", character, integrity, and certainly, honesty, particularly if that is all one has known and has developed all of those traits based on having money.
Anyone in the 99% category who thinks their life will get better by casting a vote for this empty/wealthy/hollowman really needs some serious intervention....save your money and get some professional help !!!
You sound like a typical , hollow, uninformed, hypocritical lib. The Dems are VERY rich, but of course, car rentals california that doesn't bother you. NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is worth 22 BILLION dollars, owns four expensive homes (two not in the US), and Nancy Peolosi is worth 196 million dollars car rentals california and has several million dollars homes.
I grew up in OB and frequented MB, PB, Mission bay just after it was dredged and Crown Point. car rentals california When I go back to visit relatives, the area still has that 40's/50's car rentals california charm I still remember. car rentals california Unfortunately, there are transplants who had moved into the area with plenty of money and crass tastes to ruin the tranquility that everyone took care to nourish and take care of. It's one thing to upgrade a home with the latest gadgets of the day, however, one should always ensure the improvements won't alter the essence of the spirit of the neighborhood. It's like building a ranch style home in a neighborhood of turn of the century Victorian homes. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Alexithymic Mitt has more nerve than his father did. Great article in TIME about what a control freak the old man was, too. Imagine his father literally ripped the lapel off someone's jacket that he was arguing with, and he also picked up his future wife right off the dance floor and carried her away from some other guy she had been dancing with. As for Mitt, does he stupidly think he owns the air space around his mansion, car rentals california too? Does the Secret Service car rentals california get "paid" to wash Mitt's cars? How cheap of him, when with his money he could have their cars washed as a gesture of appreciation.

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