пятница, 11 июля 2014 г.
He kept driving, but not without peeping through the right window were the weird lights were now obv
Daily UFO Headlines 7/11/14 The 2014 Roswell UFO Festival Spacing Out! Episode 81 VIDEO: Tourbus dringt geheime basis Area 51 binnen Mysterieuze radioflits uit de ruimte stelt sterrenkundigen voor raadsel UFO mania: VIDEO: UFOs spotted in sky over Dordogne VIDEO: "3 UFO's geland in Frankrijk" Tour bus accidentally drives into Area 51 (Video) UFO sighting over Florida on 9th July 2014 Daytime UFO sighting over Milan, Italy on 6th July 2014 UFO in 500 Year Old Painting Discovered Revealed: The UFO files of the German Secret Service Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Opens Up About UFO Encounter, Mars Colony Hopes UFO Abductions warp tour 05 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Part V The Classic Warminster England UFO Encounter Tales BREAKING warp tour 05 NEWS: MUFON Posts Billy Meier UFO Case Information! Video claims to show 3 UFOs landing in France ANIMAL ABDUCTIONS IN WALES MYSTIFIES POLICE Daily 2 Cents: The Bones of General warp tour 05 Mad Anthony Wayne Mexican Mayor Marries Reptile Close Encounter in North Carolina Filer s Files #28 Scripture Tells of Other Worlds - PART I Filer s Files #28 Scripture Tells of Other Worlds - PART II
The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, warp tour 05 where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category.
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Ze geven een maandeliiks tijdschrift warp tour 05 uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal. Since 02/01/2013 is Pieter not only president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP. Mr. Gaetan BOVY of REUB is also National Director MUFON / Wallonnie and we work together to give a total image of the UFO-sightings in Belgium.
Life was simply great; I had graduated from the Royal School of Music in London, with the highest warp tour 05 distinction marks and won the silver Musicianship cup. I landed a contract with Phillips record company and my first single was on the market. I saw the people dancing and I heard my voice on the radio, blowing out of the speakers in numerous discoth ques. I was a happy guy savoring the results warp tour 05 of years of monstrous labor. Yet I also knew that the far-fetched forces above my head had more incredible experiences in store for me.
My brother Jo had a discotheque and he asked me if I wanted to sing there to promote my record in the area. I accepted and once again took on the long journey back home to France. When Jo was young he always dreamed of owning an old farm with many animals, in 1981 his own dream became a reality when he purchased and restored an old structure. The farmhouse was less than fifteen minutes away from the village in a remote wooded area.
As you well know, the night life in France starts around 11.00 PM and contimues throught the night. We usually left the farm around 10:00 PM every night and came back exhausted the next morning. I had an easy life, spending much time sleeping, eating, and riding horses during the day, until we started the process all over again.
On November 11th, 1981 at about 10.15 PM we were to experience one of the most dramatic UFO experiences warp tour 05 anyone can ever hope for. We left the farm that night as we always do around 10:00 PM. It was a cold night but the warm heater of Jo s brand new Mercedes and the soft comfortable ride was a real pleasure. Often I thought how much Vincent would have appreciated warp tour 05 the luxury of a modern day motorcar. Vince was gone now for over ten years and I still missed his loud laugh and loving nature. Jo was driving smoothly through the tiny serpentine road scaring away multitudes of rabbits. We had to cover about three miles through endless vineyards to reach the RN7 main road, and then drive for another 30 miles to his discotheque. I was quiet, simply anticipating my number and wondering about a pretty girl I met the night before. Then from the corner of my eyes I saw what seemed to be some far away flickering lights. Because they were coming from the vineyard I thought someone must be working late. As we drove further into the night the light became quite obvious and came fast in our direction. Then wondering I ask my brother, Hey Jo, are there people working in the vineyard tonight? Jo responded sarcastically, Louis, it s November. All the grapes were picked weeks ago, there is nothing there. Relax. Incidentally, Jo was born in November. Thus his Scorpio sarcasm was nothing new, and a part of his character I was used to and never took personally.
He kept driving, but not without warp tour 05 peeping through the right window were the weird lights were now obviously coming from. What really grabbed my attention was the height and the circular movement of what I obviously perceived as powerful bright beams. Jo kept driving, denying my requests to stop and watch those strange lights.
The lights were much closer than anticipated and almost immediately right above the car. For no apparent reason the Mercedes reliable electric system died instantly and the car came to a standstill in the middle of the small road. Jo and I looked at each other wondering what just took place, while an immense bright light submerged the entire area around the car. We both immediately looked up through the windshield but could not discern anything. I thought of a helicopter above us but I did not hear the usual noisy flaps of the blade cutting the air for lift. There was no noise, just a humming vibration above us. I calmly said to my brother, Jo what the hell is this? I am going out to check this thing out. I wanted to investigate whatever was above us and I did not feel or think for a second about any form of danger. Jo was well respected by all and had this macho personality about it, but that night I saw a side of my big brother that I did not expect at all. He screamed, Are you crazy or what, stay in the car you ve got no idea of what s up there. I managed to escape his terrorized grip and slide out the door. I looked warp tour 05 above my head but the light was so bright that I could not discern anything at all. I walked around the car ignoring Jo s scream for safety. Then after a few seconds the powerful beams dimmed and went off. It took a little warp tour 05 while for my eyes to adjust from the bright light to semi darkness. Then I glanced again and began to recognize a round shape and a golden reddish beam coming from its center. I kept forcing my eyesight to adjust warp tour 05 to get a clearer picture of what was there, and then there it was
Less than thirty feet above me I clearly saw a majestic motionless flying saucer. I pondered for a moment wondering about my own senses. Am I sleeping or what, is this thing real? Then I frantically called Jo to come outside the car and witness the object with me. I began to run like a crazy maniac screaming and banging the top of his car to get his attention. Oh my God, oh my God, Jo it s a flying saucer, its real man, this is the real thing, come out Jo, come on! In no way was Jo to take a chance as I did, and saw everything through the windshield and the safety of the Benz. I had all the time in the world to see the magnificent spaceship in its entire splendor. It felt as if they really warp tour 05 wanted me to acknowledge the wonder of extraterrestrial life. I was also convinced of the intelligence operating this marvel, because when I showed sign of distress with my eyes, they immediately dimmed the powerful lights. I could then discern easily the numerous red, yellow, blue, gold, green and white circular lights under the belly of the saucer.
The powerful stream warp tour 05 of beams returned to life exploding in brightness. Then as swiftly as the saucer came through the night, warp tour 05 it disappeared dangerously close to the roof of a nearby farm. Jo restarted the car successfully and said to me, Louis this did not happen, warp tour 05 you can not say a word to anyone about it. I was so upset with him for that urge to secrecy, but thought I had better control myself and regroup my own good sense following the phenomenal experience.
I did not engage in conversation with Jo until we arrived at the discotheque. In normal circumstances by the time we reached Jo s bar, the staff, barmen, servers, cloakroom personnel, DJ s etc. were doing the last preparations to what would be a very busy night. But when Jo and I turned warp tour 05 up that night, I noticed the discotheque was already up and running. I observed it but did not elaborate on this fact back then; only years later I fully realized what had happened that night of November 11, 1981. Totally in denial and still in shock, warp tour 05 Jo did not notice as much as I, the obvious missing time and the clear indication of the abduction that had taken place earlier.
I had never heard of or seen a flying saucer before and had no idea or reason to believe in the phenomenon. In some ways I was also happy that Jo was a solid witness to this miraculous sight. warp tour 05 My older brother never really trusted or believed anything before: no God, no evil, no UFOs, no magic and no stars. He was born like the majority of people, skeptical and unwilling to accept anything other than what his rationale dictated through his human limited senses. There is no doubt in my mind that my brother needed and got a serious wake up call that night.
Like many other people, my brother had a reputation to maintain and knew many people from all walks of life. Talking about UFOs may not be a favorite topic for any young soul. Only when someone is ready for the experience may he become a part of it. Fearing ridicule is a troublesome feeling, and Jo kept this secret warp tour 05 from the rest of the family for nearly 15 years. One day to my delight and surprise he fin
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