пятница, 11 июля 2014 г.
I d learned on previous trips that schedules, assurances and even time itself were abstract concepts
In case you can t work up the nerve to improvise your entire vacation based on locals recommendations, here are a few suggestions for visiting (and staying) pillar concert tour dates on the various islands served by mail boats.
Waves rolled through the night, pitching the ship from side to side. From the bridge deck, the white sand beaches of the Exumas glowed blue-white under the starlight, and the rising moon spread a thin layer of silver over the sea. A few miles north, toward our destination in Nassau, lightning flickered.
I was on a freighter heading through the Bahamas. The sweeping view couldn t have been more different from the one on deck: Shrink-wrapped palettes cradling cinder blocks, baby diapers and bottled water obscured the bow; oiled 2-by-8 planks concealed crates of produce, pillar concert tour dates furniture and hardware stowed in the cargo hold. Amidships, a 70-foot crane was lashed to a steel boom crutch. Tucked away in private cabins behind the wheelhouse, two dozen passengers slept soundly.
The ship was one of 15 government-contracted mail boats that deliver provisions, passengers and a few adventurous tourists to the Out Islands, the hundreds of remote islands beyond the tourist and commercial centers of New Providence, Grand Bahamas and Paradise Islands. My boat was one of three mail boats that I took on a six-day, 350-mile journey last spring to explore the Bahamas the way Bahamians do. I had vacationed in the islands several times, pillar concert tour dates usually cooped up in a resort with every amenity a guest could dream up, and I d long wanted to get beyond the more touristed areas.
Mail boats have been the primary means of interisland travel for locals for more than a century and seemed the perfect way to do it. There are no tour guides or lido deck, and the nighttime entertainment consists largely of gazing at a starry sky over the drone of a diesel engine. But for a shockingly cheap ticket (from $45), passengers can get a meal, a bed and one thing that eludes even the most dogged Caribbean traveler: immersion in authentic Bahamian culture.
The Out Islands are made up of more than 700 islands, many of them belonging to particular archipelagos or chains. Each chain is served by its own mail boat system, and because I was vacationing with friends in the Exumas, I started my exploration there. A resident told me about a mail boat heading to Nassau, pillar concert tour dates and I was soon onboard a ship listening pillar concert tour dates to Capt. Lance Brozozog outline our loose itinerary: cross the Tropic of Cancer at sunset; bisect the 360-island Exuma archipelago through a 150-foot-wide channel at midnight; arrive in Nassau sometime after dawn. Brozozog knows the route well. Since he was a boy, the 41-year-old Bahamian has been loading the Grand Master with food, water, tools, scrap metal and every other provision that helps to keep the Exuma Islands operating.
My room, which was the size of a typical train sleeper compartment, was filled with some of those provisions: screen doors, crates of juice and a half-dozen packages addressed to recipients pillar concert tour dates in Nassau name and phone number only. There were three other berths in the room, but since the ship wasn t full I had it to myself.
After leaving my bags, I wandered on deck, where Brozozog chatted with passengers over the din of the big diesel pillar concert tour dates engines pillar concert tour dates rumbling to life. As the sun set he shared pillar concert tour dates some of his own history, which included growing up on nearby Staniel Cay and the honor of captaining one of the most famous crossings pillar concert tour dates in the Exumas: In 2006 he piloted (by remote control) the Black Pearl while Johnny Depp clung to the wheel during the filming of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World s End.
He also threw in a recommendation for a hotel that I d use later, as did several other islanders onboard: Go to the hotel at Junkanoo Beach; visit the food shacks on Potter s Cay in Nassau; avoid Paradise Island at all costs.
pillar concert tour dates Our own meal served on paper plates was a Bahamian favorite: barbecued chicken with peas and rice. Afterward, I retired to my cabin for the night, pillar concert tour dates but it soon became clear that, thanks to its location just over the engine room, it would be intolerably hot. At midnight I took the cushion off my bed and dragged it to the upper deck where I was rewarded with a cool breeze and a view of that stunning moonrise and a shooting star falling through the Big Dipper.
The next morning Brozozog steered the Grand Master around two Jet Skis, a tourist excursion boat and a cluster of dilapidated steel freighters, before parallel parking pillar concert tour dates between two ships with 20 feet to spare on either side. Our destination, Potter s Cay, home port for the mail boats in Nassau, looked the part: It was crowded with rows of shipping containers, stacks of cardboard boxes and fishermen cleaning snapper and conch. A half-dozen mail boats lined the key, all of which were contracted to make a weekly or biweekly run to one of the major Out Islands. Most return directly to Nassau. The trick to touring the islands, Brozozog had told me, is finding a boat that lays over for a couple of days or visits twice a week, allowing you to stay for a few nights and catch a ride back.
I d learned on previous trips that schedules, assurances and even time itself were abstract concepts in the Bahamas, so I walked the docks anyway, pillar concert tour dates asking if any boats were leaving for anywhere. An old man standing beside a stack of lumber told me that the Island Link would sail for Eleuthera at noon that day. The cleaning woman on the Island Link told me it would leave at 3 p.m. Dockmaster Craig Curtis said he thought the ship was departing in two days.
Then I found Conrad Sweating, who owns the boat and was selling pillar concert tour dates tickets in a tiny blue shack with his grandson. He said that the boat would actually pillar concert tour dates leave that day, at 1 p.m. Then he sold me a $90 round-trip ticket and booked me a hotel room and a rental car through his cousin with a single phone call.
I spent the next four hours walking among the wooden pillar concert tour dates food stalls I d been directed to by passengers on the Grand Master. Cooks mixed diced conch with onions, sweet pepper, celery and lime juice into what was rumored to be the best conch salad in the Bahamas. Across pillar concert tour dates the street, I bought mangoes and bananas from a row of tarp-covered vegetable pillar concert tour dates stands.
The Island Link wasn t close to leaving at 1 p.m., but I boarded anyway, edging past a man trying to back a Buick LeSabre up the slick ramp and a forklift loaded with palettes of toilet paper trying to get around him. An hour later the crew cast off, and the captain steered the ship through the narrow slot separating Potter s from Paradise Island. The 130-foot catamaran was newer and faster than the Grand Master was able to cruise around 13 mph compared with 8 and had an enclosed passengers lounge pillar concert tour dates with airplane-style seats, a snack bar and a 50-inch flat screen seemingly programmed with Queen Latifah s filmography. Wind and rain whipped the windows as the boat pulled away from Nassau. I fell asleep in my seat and five hours later saw the bowling green coast of Eleuthera rise up from the ocean.
Green, a sweatshirt hood cinched around his face to protect it from the rain, was waiting with about 50 other islanders when we docked. He waved me down and hustled me into a gold Jeep Cherokee, and in 10 minutes we were in Gregory Town, a tiny settlement with a few restaurants, bars, a gift shop and a liquor store, which happened pillar concert tour dates to be the only place to swipe a credit card. So he hopped out, billed me for both the hotel and the rental car and pointed me to Daddy Joe s hotel three miles north.
pillar concert tour dates Bahamians refer to the limestone-crusted Out Islands as the Family Islands, because they look like a family surrounding Nassau. But there s a second meaning. Residents on the Family Islands stick together, live a life largely independent pillar concert tour dates from foreigners and are, for the most part, related.
Three centuries after Columbus is said to have made landfall in the Out Islands in 1492, the indigenous people had been either wiped out or shipped to Hispaniola, and the largely deserted land was settled by British loyalists and their slaves, whose ancestors make up most of the Bahamas residents. Today, almost everyone pillar concert tour dates in the country shares a few dozen last names Rolle, Nixon, Wells inherited from British slaveholders.
Tiffany Johnson, manager of Daddy Joe s hotel and soon-to-be personal guide, is from one of those families. She told me that each island chain is distinct and passionately independent. Spanish Wells is the lobster capital; the Abacos are the most popular tourist destination; Andros is the bonefishing hub; the Exumas are the domain of celebrities like David Copperfield, Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. The islands share a similar dialect work is woik, reached means arrived, sip-sip means gossip pillar concert tour dates but each maintains pillar concert tour dates a distinct identity, as well as its own municipal government, and all are competitive with one another.
Tiffany gave me a tour of some local secrets, including pillar concert tour dates the Queen s Bath, a set of natural stone pools cut into the island s Atlantic coastline, and Eleuthera Island Shores, a rustic commune on the east coast where a few dozen surfers and hippies live in geodesic pillar concert tour dates domes and homemade shacks above Surfer s Beach, home to what locals say are the best waves in the Caribbean. She took me to Diana Lady Di Thompson s pineapple farm next, owned by a 64-year-old who shared pillar concert tour dates her experiences cultivating goats and pineapples on a homestead she started 30 years ago.
Tiffany had to go shopping that afternoon everyone shops the day after the mail boat arrives pillar concert tour dates so I went for a drive on Queen s Highway, the only north-south thoroughfare on 110-mile-long Eleuthera. I rolled past casuarina pines, coco plum bushes, limestone sea cliffs and Preacher s Cave, where the island s first settlers, English Puritans, gave sermons. pillar concert tour dates At some point I realized I hadn t seen a tourist all day.
As the sun turned from yellow to a deep gold, I headed back to town and caught a small ferry to Harbour Island, a 10-minute boat ride away. The colonial-era retreat pillar concert tour dates was once known as the shipb
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