вторник, 30 октября 2012 г.

Such a fantastic place I love NYC and by air you can really take in the crush of it and define the n

I flew on a helicopter out to Heron Island last year. What a fabulous experience and I definitely agree that the experience is worth the cost. You had amazing weather for it. This really is a Must Do for a place like New York.
Such a fantastic place I love NYC and by air you can really take in the crush of it and define the neighborhoods. Greetings from London 2012 Nikki hope you, Mr S Y and Mr 7 are having as much fun as we are. sure sounds like it
Oh wow what awesome united kingdom holidays family memories you are making! Yes I ve been up in a helicopter once, over Mt Cook and the southern alps which was mindblowing an awesome birthday present from my hubby, bless him. Keep on having fun Nikki xx
Ooh no not me I get such bad motion sickness, I won t even get in hubby s plane! M kiddos love it though, they fight over going up with papa bear! Perhaps chopper rides would be better though, I will ask a mate for aside next time!
What Fun Nikki,Love it ,a once in a lifetime adventure,amazing views from up there,no I have never been in a helicopter,but I think I would give it a go,I bet Flynn was awestruck!! Thank you for sharing your adventure with us,Btw your new Prada sunnies are lovely united kingdom holidays .

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