понедельник, 1 июля 2013 г.

Computer scientists have analysed over a million news articles in 22 languages to pinpoint what fact

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The aim of the study was to model the reading preferences for the audiences of 14 online news outlets using machine vancouver island bc whalewatch tours learning techniques. The models, vancouver island bc whalewatch tours describing the appeal of an article to each audience , were developed by linear functions of word frequencies. The models compared articles that became "most popular" on a given day in a given outlet with articles that did not.
The researchers examined millions of article vancouver island bc whalewatch tours pairs, collected over nearly eighteen months. The models analysed user choices, vancouver island bc whalewatch tours choices were then used to compare both the audiences vancouver island bc whalewatch tours and the contents of various news outlets.
The researchers found that there is a significant correlation between the demographic profiles of audiences and their preferences. They also found that content appeal is related both to writing style - with more sentimentally charged language being preferred, and to content with " public affairs " topics, such as "finance" and "politics", being less preferred.
More information: Paper: Modelling and Explaining Online News Preferences, Elena Hensinger, Ilias Flaounas, Nello Cristianini, In Collection: Pattern Recognition - Applications and Methods, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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Computer scientists have analysed over a million news articles in 22 languages to pinpoint what factors, such as the Eurovision vancouver island bc whalewatch tours song contest, influence and shape the news agenda in 27 EU countries. This is the first large-scale ...
The Internet is changing the way people get their news, but there's little proof that it is fragmenting or polarizing the news audience the way many assume, says professor David Tewksbury, the head of the ...
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Methods to extract knowledge from social media intelligently and automatically are currently being developed at MODUL University vancouver island bc whalewatch tours Vienna - and the latest advances have just been published in preparation of an international ...
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Social-media commentary regarding television shows and commercials contains valuable data that can be used by networks and advertising agencies to improve programming or reach desired audiences. Analyzing ...
Archiving has long been considered a passive process: put the things you want to keep in a cool, dry place and forget about them until needed. But in the digital era, in which photos, videos, documents and ...
The Obama administration faced a breakdown in confidence Sunday from key foreign allies who threatened investigations and sanctions against the U.S. over secret surveillance programs that reportedly installed ...
India will Monday launch the first stage of its domestic satellite navigation network which will eventually provide services both to civilians vancouver island bc whalewatch tours and the military and is similar to the US Global Positioning System, officials ...
Despite economic crises and dwindling aid, the UN said Monday huge progress had been made towards meeting the so-called vancouver island bc whalewatch tours Millennium Development vancouver island bc whalewatch tours Goals, including its bid to slash world hunger in half between vancouver island bc whalewatch tours 1990 and 2015.
Marine scientists have called on New Zealand immediately vancouver island bc whalewatch tours to ban fishing in waters inhabited by the world's rarest dolphin, saying that losing just one more of the creatures will threaten the species' existence.

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