четверг, 12 декабря 2013 г.

The resolution, drafted by Philip Bradbourn, a UK Conservative MEP, says that excessive booking fees

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toronto travel agencies MEPs today (10 May) voted to condemn low-cost airlines, such as Easyjet and Ryanair, for "aggressive business practices" that hurt the regional airports they operate out of. MEPs said such behaviour breaches EU competition law.
The resolution, drafted by Philip Bradbourn, a UK Conservative MEP, says that excessive booking fees and hand-luggage restrictions are discouraging travellers from buying goods in smaller regional airports. The resolution calls on the European Commission toronto travel agencies and member states to impose caps on charges for excess baggage, and for a common upper weight limit to be set.
The resolution also says that weight and size checks should be carried out on arrival at regional airports rather than at the departure gate. This would allow passengers to exceed toronto travel agencies these limits because of goods purchased at the airport.
The resolution also says that a recent Commission proposal on airports does not contain specific legislation for regional airports. Bradbourn said that the economic crisis is hitting these airports particularly hard. They are being "priced out of the market, leading toronto travel agencies to greater consolidation between toronto travel agencies major airports and airlines, the result being less choice and higher prices for customers", he said.

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