вторник, 17 февраля 2015 г.

I have always said N-O to long-distance relationships, mainly when serving as a counselor to friends

I have always said N-O to long-distance relationships, mainly when serving as a counselor to friends because I have never been faced with the dilemma but alas, here we are. New relationships bring new highs and new challenges. In this case, a trial I am still trying to ignore is the long-distance question. When you become cheap tickets to orlando florida quite comfortable seeing some one on a regularly cheap tickets to orlando florida scheduled basis separating the routine cheap tickets to orlando florida with countries and continents does not seem like the best idea. Once a couple has finally found their domestic groove, which takes time within itself, things can get quite stirred up with a move abroad. In postulating, I was directed to four possible cheap tickets to orlando florida outcomes/directions. First, stay together. Next, break up before the impending separation. Third, a hall-pass scenario-which can either funnel into a break up or joyous reunion. Finally, my personal favorite, avoid the issue at all costs up until moving day. Each outcome has positive and negative effects cheap tickets to orlando florida for both parties. The first solution is deceptively harder cheap tickets to orlando florida than it sounds. One can argue that problems of emotional distance have pretty much been solved by the connecting forces of Skype, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. However, cheap tickets to orlando florida physical proximately cheap tickets to orlando florida is not easily achieved through a digital screen and this can have some repercussions. Temptation, wandering gazes are only intensified with distance. With less scrutiny on the relationship, it is easy to lose sight of loyalty. Sometimes we simply develop a strong craving for intimacy cheap tickets to orlando florida and want to be held close, wrapped in the arms of our significant other.
In relationships we learn to grow with another person and constantly seek collaboration and feedback. Physical separateness promotes separate growth and you could turn out to bloom into a completely different person with changing wants and needs. cheap tickets to orlando florida Communicating character evolution cheap tickets to orlando florida is key in long distance relationships so couples stay in tune with each other’s progression. Reevaluation, not constant but occasional, cheap tickets to orlando florida is also a requirement of both parties to make sure that the excitement and enthusiasm cheap tickets to orlando florida is still present. If two choose to remain a pair, another complication that comes up is the question of missing someone too much to stay together. While this seems slightly oxymoronic it has proven very realistic. The pain of being apart can actually be hurtful. Overwhelming sadness sounds like it means two people cheap tickets to orlando florida really deeply care about each other but this can be unhealthy. The idea of being trapped by phone calls, text messages, wedded to Skype dates can be really cheap tickets to orlando florida fearful. Being that person standing in the corner, on the phone with her boyfriend, during the New Years party, does not seem appealing. It’s a shackling sensation, one that chafes the heart and spirit. The fear of missing out is almost as strong as the fear of missing itself.
After several discussions, where suggestions were increasingly jumbled and contradicting cheap tickets to orlando florida I had an amazingly frank friend give me advice. cheap tickets to orlando florida Her brunt quote was thus, “I think you need to get over yourself and get a vibrator.” I don’t mean to be so crass (but what would Carrie do?) and that is not the key focus of her instruction. My best friend emphasized the first clause and I will repeat, “I think you need to get over yourself.” cheap tickets to orlando florida She did not mean this in a hurtful way but as a pointed statement at my narcissism mixed with misguided pride that seemed to be guiding my decision making process and probably the majority of this piece.
I am still going to have to figure out how to “get over myself” as does everyone grappling with similar circumstances. First, reaffirm cheap tickets to orlando florida your love or very strong affection for the person you are with. This feeling, whatever you want to call it, should probably cheap tickets to orlando florida be what’s propelling your discussion, not internal fears. Next, be logical. As analytical as it sounds it is necessary to look at the timeline. This includes duration of separation, availability to visit, and where your own work or studies will place you on a scale from “very occupied” to “lounging around.” A caution with the latter is too much time on your hands can lead to overthinking, oversleeping, over waiting around. The more productive cheap tickets to orlando florida each individual is with their time, the more likely it is that they will become more comfortable and accustomed to the couple void. A final note to “getting over yourself” is remembering that two hearts are beating in this equation. cheap tickets to orlando florida As cheesy as it sounds, relationships are not easy. They are not all drinks and dancing, painting and nesting, and all other things that either causes traditionalists to squeal or hipsters to cry. Contentiousness is critical and sacrifices cheap tickets to orlando florida will be made. A long-distance relationship requires cheap tickets to orlando florida more selflessness than a customary relationship. Failing at a long distance relationship cheap tickets to orlando florida does not doom all future endeavors in one’s romantic life. Letting the fear of failing hold you back is what my friend meant when she said “get over yourself,. Translation: get over the fear of your destructive, cheating, lying, prideful self and embrace the beautiful, caring, empathic, nurturing side that your partner fell for in the first place.
This entry was posted in Carrie Bradshaw Musings and tagged advice , boyfriend , Carrie Bradshaw , girlfriend , lond-distance relationships , long-distance , partners , passion , relationships , Sex in the City by micahartman . Bookmark the permalink .

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