среда, 19 июня 2013 г.

The designation of “Silk Road” was not used until the German Sinologist Baron Ferdinand von Richthov

The East-West Center in partnership with China Discovery Tours organized an all-inclusive tour that featured historic sites along the Silk Road in Western China, and also included the cities of Beijing, rental car luxury los angeles Xi an, and Shanghai.
The close-knit group not only did tour sighting but also participated in a number of lectures on China's history, culture and civilization relevant at the various locales they visited such as Tiananmen Square and the Mogao Caves (considered one of the greatest repositories of Buddhist art in the world).
The designation of "Silk Road" was not used until the German Sinologist Baron Ferdinand von Richthoven coined it in the 1870s. In actuality, it was the route from China to the Middle East opened in the first century BCE for commercial purposes, with the trading of porcelain, furs, spices, gems, silver, gold, amber, and ivory, in addition to silk. Inevitably, such commercial rental car luxury los angeles activities led to cultural communications. The Silk Road was the route the Tang dynasty monk Tripitaka (or Xuanzang, 7th century) took to India to bring back Mahayana Buddhist scriptures to China, as well as the route Marco Polo (13th century) took to get from Italy to China and back. The communications brought rental car luxury los angeles on, if not wholesale inter-culturation, at least important mutual influences that have helped shape the world as we know it today.
About EWCA The East-West Center Association (EWCA) represents the 62,000 individuals who have participated in East-West Center programs since it was established in 1960. The EWCA provides many programs and services for its members throughout Asia, the Pacific, and the United States. These services and programs are designed to support the Center's mission to help build an Asia Pacific Community and to extend the outreach of the East-West Center.

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