суббота, 2 августа 2014 г.

Sarah Connette May 1, 2014 8 Just under 5 feet tall, Gaytri pushes the boundaries of what's expected

“I n China, you don’t have con­trol over the tem­per­a­ture discounted air tickets to warsaw on your ther­mo­stat; the gov­ern­ment does. That explains why we kept adjust­ing our tem­per­a­ture dial and noth­ing ever hap­pened,” Con­nie Beach tells me. She trav­eled with her hus­band this spring to Bei­jing, Xian, and Shanghai.
“The gov­ern­ment sets man­dated tem­per­a­ture set­tings,” she explains. “They send out let­ters sea­son­ally say­ing things like: for the months of March through May, your heat will be set at 70 degrees from 6:00 until 20:59. It will switch to 67 degrees from 21:00 until 5:59 in the morn­ing. Later in the year, they send out another discounted air tickets to warsaw let­ter when set­tings are adjusted for the season.”
Beach has been a travel agent for over 29 years and has vis­ited over 34 coun­tries includ­ing Japan, Turks and Caicos, and Lux­em­bourg. Her first and favorite coun­try to visit is Switzer­land, to which she’s been 18 times. This year, she’s seen China, Jamaica, and Yel­low­stone National Park with her family.
I can tell Beach loves her job. The moment I walk into her office, she bursts into excited trip plan­ning mode. And she can get clients just about any­where. Beach retired from being a school prin­ci­pal twenty-nine years ago. She describes discounted air tickets to warsaw her travel agent job as what she felt “called to do” in life.
Well, in terms of cir­cum­stance, I would have to say plan­ning a sight­see­ing trip for a woman who had only a few months discounted air tickets to warsaw left of eye­sight was among the most mem­o­rable. Due to a cataract con­di­tion, this woman had lim­ited time left before she went blind. So her friend called me up and asked me to plan the most pic­turesque Euro­pean trip pos­si­ble. That was great! I planned a trip for them to see the Roman remains in Assisi, which are just breath­tak­ing. They then went to Lucerne, Switzer­land to see build­ings plas­tered with murals and cov­ered bridges. Finally, they ended up in Inter­laken, a tiny moun­tain town above lake vil­lages where the spe­cialty is fondue.
This week, I have a group of self-proclaimed ‘geri­atrics,’ about twelve of them, who want to go to Namibia. How the heck they decided on Namibia is beyond me, but they travel a lot. I also have a fam­ily of four, two par­ents and two young boys, who I’m help­ing plan a trip to the rain­forests of Belize. They weren’t the club-med type. They wanted some­thing a lit­tle more adventurous.
That’s a great ques­tion — New Zealand! Trav­el­ers come back from that place and are con­sis­tently blown away by its beauty. Not many mixed reviews on that one. Every­one I’ve talked to who has been there seems to agree.
Any age is good, but there are lots of ben­e­fits to get­ting exposed to travel while you’re young. Trav­el­ing young teaches you to be adapt­able. It gives you con­fi­dence to nav­i­gate the world no mat­ter what age you are or where you want to go.
I always like to travel with one or two oth­ers. This allows for shared adven­ture, and it helps you nav­i­gate your way around. I’ve done a lot of solo travel, too, though. Solo travel can be lone­lier at times, but it allows you to get out and meet more for­eign­ers than if you were with friends. When you’re alone you def­i­nitely get more of a full-immersion expe­ri­ence. You’re forced to com­mu­ni­cate with peo­ple you might not oth­er­wise talk to and you need to ask for direc­tions on your own. Stuff like that.
One or two peo­ple who you know you’re com­pat­i­ble with is good. More than that becomes too com­pli­cated. More peo­ple take longer to decide where to go, and it’s harder to agree on things. I’ve found that too large of a group can take away the fun of trav­el­ing because you spend so much time try­ing to accom­mo­date everybody.
Don’t spend too much money on places to stay or eat. Pick one or two nice places to sleep or dine if you’d like, but make an inten­tion to inter­act with the local peo­ple. It doesn’t mat­ter where trav­el­ers go or what type of travel discounted air tickets to warsaw they pre­fer, the num­ber one thing they talk about when they get back are the amaz­ing folks they’ve met along the way. Local folks open doors about the best places to visit and they offer a new for­eign per­spec­tive on life. Don’t expect locals to start con­ver­sa­tions with you though. They won’t. You’ve got to start the con­ver­sa­tion, but usu­ally peo­ple are friendly and it’s well worth it.
For West­ern­ers, any­where in Asia. The cul­tural dif­fer­ences are great­est in East Asian coun­tries, and your mind has to wrap itself around a com­pletely dif­fer­ent way of life. The alpha­bet is dif­fer­ent. The food is dif­fer­ent. The lan­guage and cus­toms are com­pletely dif­fer­ent. Gen­er­ally, it takes the most flex­i­bil­ity to adapt to these places more than any­where in the world. That said, you’ll discounted air tickets to warsaw learn a lot. You’re mind will be opened to new pos­si­bil­i­ties. It can almost feel like you’re on another planet.
The archi­tec­ture. We loved the archi­tec­ture. One build­ing was shaped like a globe, another one looked like an onion, discounted air tickets to warsaw and they all lit up at night. That was another gov­ern­ment man­date. All the build­ings had to light up at the same time for a cer­tain num­ber of hours each night.
The book, Heidi , at age six. Heidi is about a lit­tle girl who lives in Switzer­land. I fell in love with Heidi, and I fell in love with Switzer­land. I began sav­ing up for a trip by pluck­ing bee­tles off my father’s rose bushes. He paid me a penny per bee­tle and I plucked bee­tles every day that wasn’t winter.
When I told my par­ents, they were a lit­tle ner­vous. This was in the 70’s when not a lot of Amer­i­cans, discounted air tickets to warsaw espe­cially not a lot of young Amer­i­can discounted air tickets to warsaw women, were doing long stints of travel. My mom called around to see if friends knew of any­one I could stay with in Switzer­land, and good ol’ mom found an au pair arrange­ment for me, which worked out great! I lived with a Swiss fam­ily, helped them out around the house and had week­ends off to travel the country.
I didn’t become a travel agent until after I’d been a school­teacher and then a prin­ci­pal for a few years. When I had my first child, discounted air tickets to warsaw I real­ized I didn’t have the energy to keep up with chil­dren at home and all day at school. That’s when I went look­ing for another job, I found travel agent-ing, and I’ve loved it. It fits per­fectly with my trav­el­ing lifestyle.
Oh, plenty! You’d have to be more spe­cific about what you want to know, and it might take up a whole other arti­cle! ((Here is that other arti­cle: Travel Agents are Cheaper that Price­line? Click on it to read a travel agent’s discounted air tickets to warsaw need-to-know tips.)
Well, I can’t say this specif­i­cally applies to young female trav­el­ers. I wouldn’t rec­om­mend any­one go to the West Coast of Mex­ico or Mex­ico City or South­ern Italy right now. Mex­ico has too much vio­lence due to the drug car­tels. South­ern Italy is rid­dled with theft. You’re chances of get­ting discounted air tickets to warsaw robbed there just aren’t worth going, I’m afraid.
The smaller the pool, the bet­ter the beach, and the old­est hotel/motels discounted air tickets to warsaw are usu­ally the best loca­tion. discounted air tickets to warsaw If an accom­mo­da­tion has been around a while, it means it’s proven itself and that it’s prob­a­bly located on prime real estate, since they got there first.
Con­nie Beach knows her stuff. She has helped me get to and through  Ire­land (Avoca, Dublin discounted air tickets to warsaw and Wick­low), France (Cluny, Paris, the Provence Region, Taize), and India (Delhi, Harid­war, Indore, discounted air tickets to warsaw and Jaipur).
Cathryn Westra recently spent 6 months farming, freelancing and practicing yoga in Ireland, France and India. Before hopping on a plane she worked in media and communications discounted air tickets to warsaw for Davidson College. Now she lives in North Carolina doing freelance writing and visual arts on the topics of science, spirituality and art at large - three soulful discounted air tickets to warsaw topics which she sees as interchangeable. Related Posts
Sarah Connette May 1, 2014 8 Just under 5 feet tall, Gaytri pushes the boundaries of what’s expected. “I had a very strong desire to drive a scooter,” Gaytri says, “Whenever I was looking at boys, they were driving scooters, and I wanted to do it...

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