суббота, 14 сентября 2013 г.
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TORONTO - Lower car insurance rates, a new spending watchdog and tighter rules on tanning beds will be the Liberal government's priorities for the fall session of the legislature low car rental prices that starts low car rental prices Monday, but there also will be more debate about cancelled gas plants.
Premier Kathleen Wynne made a deal with the New Democrats last spring to get the minority Liberal government's budget passed, and agreed to mandate a 15 per cent cut in auto insurance premiums and appoint low car rental prices an independent Financial Accountability Officer to review government expenditures before the money is spent.
The Progressive Conservatives served notice they will put forth a second contempt motion Monday low car rental prices related to the Liberals' decisions to cancel gas plants in Oakville and Mississauga, at a cost of at least $585 million.
Dalton McGuinty blamed last year's bitter contempt debate over the government's refusal to release documents on the gas plants, which ground all other business to a halt, for his decision to prorogue the legislature and resign as premier.
PC house leader Jim Wilson wants another debate on what he says were attempts low car rental prices by senior Liberals in McGuinty's office to influence Speaker Dave Levac after his preliminary finding of contempt against the Liberal government over the documents.
"I think they may (force an election) against the backdrop of Wynne needs her own mandate, and she'll go out and say 'obviously Parliament is not working' because the Liberals are doing everything they can to make sure it doesn't work," he said.
"The premier has been very clear she wants to govern and her priority right now is jobs and the economy, and because of the slowness of the legislature you'll see initiatives outside of the legislature itself," said Milloy.
There will also be a push to change the rules for the accommodation allowance for members of the legislature who live more than 50 kilometres away from Queen's Park, after word Toronto-area Tory Peter Shurman low car rental prices billed the maximum $20,719 last year for a second low car rental prices residence in Niagara-on-the-Lake.
"It seems to me that Mr. Shurman is pretty much the only person that's decided low car rental prices to find a way to fund a retirement home on the taxpayers' dime," said Horwath. © Copyright (c) E-mail this Article Print this Article Share this Article
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