среда, 14 ноября 2012 г.

Carroll says the hotel and dining room shut down in the late 1950s when the popularity of train trav

Young females are outpacing their male counterparts at school and in the job market. A new analysis of 2011 Census data shows that, in the National Capital Region, omni hotel at cnn center anglophone women have yet another edge...
The Toronto Blue Jays appeared poised omni hotel at cnn center to transform themselves into overnight contenders Tuesday in a monster trade with the Miami Marlins that would bring starting pitchers Josh Johnson and Mark Buehrle...
Bed and breakfast operations in New Orleans tout their old-fashion charm as an enticement to visitors, but face a threat from a new, technology-driven competitor that apparently is flouting city law.
BMW will unveil an X4 compact SUV/coupe at next January s Detroit auto show, according to Autoweek. Sharing a platform and powertrains with the existing omni hotel at cnn center BMW X3 SUV, the new X4 is expected to arrive...
BMW will unveil an X4 compact SUV/coupe at next January s Detroit auto show, according to Autoweek. Sharing a platform and powertrains with the existing BMW X3 SUV, the new X4 is expected to arrive...
omni hotel at cnn center MCADAM, N.B . - It's been said that the unmistakable sound of a steam locomotive's omni hotel at cnn center whistle can still be heard in this sleepy New Brunswick village, though it's been decades since one of Canadian Pacific Railway's passenger trains thundered down its tracks.
The golden age of train travel may be long gone, but a significant piece of Canada's railway legacy remains open for visitors here at the historic station omni hotel at cnn center in McAdam, a blink-and-you-miss-it hamlet near the Maine border.
At nighttime, the tracks were silent. But during the day, the station was a flurry of activity: men, women and children disembarking, others waiting for their connecting omni hotel at cnn center trains, and the occasional train-hopper caught by the railway's police.
"It was known to be a train always omni hotel at cnn center at the station," says Frank Carroll, treasurer of the McAdam Historical Restoration Commission, which has been working to revitalize the century-old station, now a provincial and federal historic site and designated heritage railway station.
The railway ordered construction of the station, standing two-1/2 storeys tall, at the turn of the 20th century. Renovations omni hotel at cnn center some 10 years later saw the addition of two wings for dining facilities and extra baggage storage. A man-made lake adjacent to the station was used for a water supply.
Today, visitors omni hotel at cnn center can tour the station, which also includes: a dingy, single-cell jail; a small mail room; refurbished waiting areas; a 50s-style cafeteria with a large, M-shaped counter; and a restored dining omni hotel at cnn center room that once hosted Marilyn Monroe. As the story goes, the Hollywood bombshell was bound for Miramichi, N.B., for a fishing trip with a few men when she stopped in McAdam.
In another refurbished room with dark wood floors and wall panelling is a photograph of William Van Horne, the former Canadian Pacific baron whose sprawling summer estate omni hotel at cnn center on Ministers Island, N.B., remains a tourist attraction nearly 97 years after his death.
"These rooms were used for short periods of time by people omni hotel at cnn center that were connecting by trains and wanted to have their privacy, and have a chance to look good when they got on the next train," says Carroll.
Carroll says the hotel and dining room shut down in the late 1950s when the popularity of train travel began to decline. Over the coming decades, Canadian Pacific Railway would pull out and federal Crown corporation omni hotel at cnn center VIA Rail would take over passenger service.
On Sundays, visitors looking for a taste of tradition omni hotel at cnn center can sample a slice of railroad pie — a throwback to the homemade cream- and fruit-filled pastry the station dished out to travellers during its golden years.
The hope is to eventually refurbish the hotel, welcome guests and recapture some of the magic from a bygone era. It will be an impressive feat costing an estimated $10 million, omni hotel at cnn center and involving tearing out walls and ceilings, upgrading electricity and plumbing.
- Ministers Island (Van Horne estate), Bar Road, St. Andrew's, N.B. Tours for adults are $15. There are discounted rates for students, seniors and families, and tours are free for children under the age of eight. Visitors are advised to check ahead for tour schedules. On the Web: www.ministersisland.net © Copyright (c)       E-mail this Article Print this Article Share this Article
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