среда, 8 мая 2013 г.

If you re traveling to Culiacan or Acapulco, or any major Mexican city for that matter, you have to

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If you re traveling to Culiacan or Acapulco, or any major Mexican city for that matter, you have to expect hotels near disneyland to see some fireworks. It's like watching a volcano eruption in one of those yuppie-eco-tourism-shit-vacation-type trips some of you drug-taking progressives hotels near disneyland in America like to take. So when you see it you can't help but stare in awe. So yes, drug violence is a real, natural phenomenon. What did you expect? Stop being such a pussy. After all, if you come here, your vacation story is guaranteed to top your neighbor's Costa Rica piña colada snore. And the greatest hotels near disneyland part about it, it won't be a bit more dangerous than participating in a water volleyball game at your all-inclusive resort.
Violence: there is plenty of it to go around, that's true. But it s not like some crazy, Mumbai-style shoot-anything-that-moves type of bloodletting. This is strictly about business; civilians and tourists (around hotels near disneyland here we call them customers/clients) are not to be harmed. But sometimes incidents do happen. It's unfortunate, but what can you do?
Just so you know how it is, most of the violence is Government-generated. Shaking up the plaza, stirring up those narcos hotels near disneyland stupid enough not to be in hiding when the Army operatives arrive into town—well, what does the Army expect? These guys to surrender quietly and be tortured and beaten for days and weeks on end?
Pure narco-on-narco violence is in a lull all over Mexico. Sure, there are some executions, but mostly these are all about squaring business accounts; people paying debts and blacklisted people getting their end of justice. The real war between them has really hotels near disneyland died down, so I am really starting to believe hotels near disneyland in the Big Cartel Truce that everyone around here is talking about.
But just because there is a Big Truce, doesn't mean you can't have people bickering over the small stuff. The Cartel War may be over, but there are various plazas on dispute between various groups allied with various hotels near disneyland Cartels. So violence is not about to die down. Probably never. But the Government is making it worse. By fighting the Cartels, what it did was fragment them into very little pieces, causing a reacomodo , a readjustment of territories. And this, of course, generates more violence, more bad blood between various antagonistic groups, and basically makes sure the block party keeps going till the next generation hotels near disneyland arrives.
And it's not gonna stop. It's a fact of life. Someone has to do it, and someone is gonna do it, and keep doing it until he is caught, killed or retires with all his bling. Which has a very high possibility, if they're smart and play their cards the right way.
* It fragmented the Sinaloa Cartel when it captured El Mochomo Beltran last year (with El Chapo Guzmans pitazo ). This was a very, very stupid move. The Beltrans where in charge of security of all the Sinaloan top brass, and when they were betrayed, they hired some zetas and gave them a list of all safe houses and set them loose in Culiacan and Mazatlan.
* It created a new semi-Cartel, La Familia Michoacana. It is in conflict with its creators, the Zetas, and is allied with El Chapo. So they're in conflict with the Beltran Leyvas, too. You can say they're all in a nice and bloody kill triangle.
Recent Mexican army and police confrontations with drug cartels have resembled small-unit combat, with cartels employing automatic weapons and grenades, the advisory reads. Large firefights have taken place in many towns and cities across Mexico but most recently in northern Mexico, including Tijuana, Chihuahua hotels near disneyland City and Ciudad Juarez. During some of these incidents, U.S. citizens have been trapped and temporarily prevented from leaving the area.
This one made me feel so proud, especially the "resembled small-unit combat" part. No one even tries to make it sound like a gang fight anymore. Train hard, fight harder, that s the motto, I guess. That's what happens when the military-style training the zetas and kaibiles (Guatemalan special ops) brought into fashion starts spreading around hotels near disneyland the country. And you've no doubt heard rumors of Middle Eastern trainers making their rounds in Mexico, mainly Palestinians hotels near disneyland or Iranians paid to train cells of sicarios ?
Well, the Palestinian angle is true. I don t know much about Iranians being here or sicarios being sent there to train, but it is a fact that the Palestinians have been training sicarios since 90s, ever since the times of "the Arab." He was the sicario trainer hotels near disneyland for the Arellano Felix Organization, the one and bloody Cartel of Tijuana.
But I'm getting a little bit sidetracked here. I recall reading recently something about Americans talking about the need for Mexico to legalize drugs to stop the violence. Well, I don't know. To me, it's Kayser Soze, not real, so it has no point. Even the Mexican president can okay it, like Fox did during the last Administration. But America can not recommend it, like Bush did to Fox. And the proposal dies. Just like that. So there is really no point in talking about it, I think. It's just a fantasy of an Amsterdam-like legalization. And like any fantasy, one can only dream. But it would be a winner with the tourism board, I'll bet you that.
But coming back to reality and the whole travel advisory topic, I remember reading a spot-on analysis that said kidnapping of foreigners is rare because tourists usually spend so little time on the ground that they don't give kidnappers a chance to collect reliable intel. They can't tell how much someone is worth and so it doesn't make any business sense. The narcos are good businessmen, see. Very conservative, in many ways. They don't like to take risks if they don't know the odds.
But let me be honest. There's a couple of points about America s take on Mexico's Drug War that make me wish our people did start kidnapping your tourists for real and torturing them real nice if their families don t offer up a juicy reward.
hotels near disneyland You know that one of Mexico`s main sources of income is tourism, right? Well, you know what happens to tourism when you issue scary travel warnings every six months that basically tell Americans that if they go to Mexico they will be tortured, mutilated, raped and shot, in no specific order? You guessed it. No one comes around. And no one gets paid.
This is what your Washington politicians don't seem to get, or don't want to. You're just pushing us in the other direction, dumbasses. Because other than tourism, people have only one other work option around here: the drug biz.
It's sad when your supposedly closest ally is so moronic, punishing you for the problems it itself is creating. But hey, it makes me feel a whole lot better when my fellow Mexicanos give you gringos the finger while roaring through the border, smuggling tons and tons of drugs right under your noses and then flipping it for a nice profit. It's tit-for-tat.
I completely agree with your assessment of the state departments paranoid warnings. At least there is the small comfort that its not just Mexico that is fucked over by this nonsense. I would wager that at any given time, half of the world is on the warning list. Sucks for you, but on the bright side it keeps timorous assholes hotels near disneyland from converging upon and spoiling every last country in the world.
hotels near disneyland Regarding you guys running across the border, I say bring more coke while your at it, the price is too fucking high. I have nothing against people sneaking across the border. I do however dislike the pusillanimous hotels near disneyland American policy which encourages this. If I had my way, anyone running across the border in either direction would be shot. This is the proper way to enforce borders, and law in general.
Once in Ukraine I was trying to sneak across the border into Romania. I figured it would be fairly simple to bribe some local to row me across the swamp separating the two counties, but no one would, even though I offered a substantial reward. I soon figured out why. Apparently there is a problem with gun running and drug trafficing from Ukraine into Romania, and on to the EU. Thus when the border guards see anyone attempting to cross the border illegally they simply open fire on them. I guess they must be fairly good shots, as according hotels near disneyland to the local fishermen, no one dares attempt the crossing hotels near disneyland anymore, at least not in daylight.
At the height of the operation a couple of days or so ago, I recall Spokesman Robert Wood saying that he thinks traveling to Mexico is a great idea and he brings his own kids there. And Wood s briefings are way less obscure than the postings; sometimes, hotels near disneyland they even make the cable news shows!
I always laugh when I hear people talk down the Iran-Contra scandal. I try to tell people it was just like paying a local Guardsman to steal M16s from the amoury, and then taking them down to mexico and trading them for drugs. Bring the drugs back, convert to cash, pay some G.I to steal some more weapons, ooh ooh get some grenades
Dear Exiled Team, why don t you come clean that you retired the Gary Beecher character and created this Pancho Montana guy? Why the smoke and mirrors? I mean, I came here basically to read the War Nerd, so why don t you just stop wasting my time and tell that you retired the column?
Most likely, State Dept is discouraging travel so the few dollars Americans have left they spend in the country. After all, the USA is broke. As for pushing us in the other direction , what direction do you think Americans are being pushed in after Wall Street stole everyones money, savings, pension, house etc? Mexican hotels near disneyland life is no more shit than American. Why not come and be a tourist hotels near disneyland in Utah .we need any money we can get. We ll teach you some crappy Jesus hymns.
First off, his English is too good, second, how come his sadistic taste and writing style matches so perfect

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