понедельник, 17 июня 2013 г.

I have enclosed below a video that discusses the impact of the radio, as a tool for propaganda, duri

Hotel Rwanda, an emotionally engrossing and disturbing movie about the genocide in Rwanda, captures the destructive and enthralling power of speech in wartime. Media, specifically the use the radio, featured prominently in the film and highlights the impactful nature of articulate speech. Reading the article "From Ancient sisterhood of the traveling pants Greece to Iraq, the Power of Words in Wartime" on the test helped to clarify and better understand the connection between words and war. When watching the movie I struggled to understand what allows people to commit such acts. I understood the tumultuous past of the nation and the problems Belgium introduced under their colonial rule, and the repercussions being felt at that time. However, sisterhood of the traveling pants I struggled to identify what allowed people to commit such acts, regardless of the animosity displayed. To feel hatred and animosity is one thing, but to have the capacity to act out of that hatred to take a life is another. In this instance, a majority of the Hutus had their moral and personal inhibitions eroded away by the power of radio and speech. The radio, through darkly brilliant techniques, swayed ordinary people to assist in the genocide. For example, the radio repeatedly reduced the Tutsis to something less than human, referring to them as cockroaches, effectively dehumanizing them. The radio continually reminded people of the privileges and benefits that the Tutsi had enjoyed under Belgium rule, and in some respects, still enjoyed today. This led to a deeper sense of hatred and dislike to capture the imagination of the Hutu people. Once the genocide began, messages reaffirming Hutus supremacy and the killing of innocent people frequently aired on the radio. In this manner, good people had their morals eroded away and were left with a virulent hatred for Tutsis. The act of killing Tutsis was never questioned because they were presented as inferior, and therefore not worthy of the same fundamental dignity. I think in this way a level of understanding can be found that helps explain just how and why so many people were willing to justify the killing of so many in the name of revenge. In the end I can partially understand sisterhood of the traveling pants what led to this happening, but I do not think that can justify the barbarism.
I have enclosed below a video that discusses the impact of the radio, as a tool for propaganda, during the Rwandan Genocide. It helps to illustrate the devastating extent to which the radio was used to assist in the genocide and includes actual messages that were broadcasted sisterhood of the traveling pants to inspire fear and hatred.

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